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Tokio Hotel 2 rêves: le leur et le nôtre!

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 THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!!

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 45766
Age : 34
Chanson(s) préférée(s) de Tokio Hotel : Rette mich / Lass uns laufen / In your shadow
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2007

THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!! Empty
MessageSujet: THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!!   THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!! Icon_minitimeDim 26 Avr - 21:18

Citation :
You may or may not have noticed the THUKST promoting the hell out of The reasons are two-fold - one, they are very VERY into wanting to organise a special and unique Tokio Hotel gig in the UK and we can get behind that. Two, they're our sponsor for the party so in return we will promote them where we can.

So we need as many TH fans as possible to bid for a gig on their website. Our bids have risen slowly, but steadily, and we've broken the 1000 mark. For the UK, that's reeeeally good.

However, I really really want to break the 2k mark. I was told that around 2k, things would get 'interesting'. LOL. (There's been discussion flying between owngig, TH management and Universal.)

Some people may think: TH are recording, they're obviously on the downlow, there's been this stalking issue = bad timing. Well, not really for us. Because we need to prep it and lay the groundwork for when they are ready to play gigs again. As has been told to me: the more you guys show Universal that you want the band back in the UK the better it is. We keep trying! And as a ST, we'd kind of like to get back to normal now after this stalking drama.

If you would be willing to help us spread the word of this project, we would be really grateful. The idea of is to get an accurate reflection of the demand for a gig - and we all know that if TH played an exclusive one-ff gig in London it would sell out, even if we couldn't gather the UK fans! So international bids are ok as long as they're from people that would be genuinely willing to make the trip to see them.

TH's profile is here:


En fait, ils sont passés n°1 dans les demandes de concerts en Angleterre
Apparemment ce genre de trucs sert beaucoup dans ce pays pour programmer les concerts et autres spectacles =)

THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!!
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Nombre de messages : 25726
Age : 36
Localisation : Regarde en haut de la carte de France
Préféré dans Tokio Hotel : ............
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2007

THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!!   THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!! Icon_minitimeDim 26 Avr - 22:54

ah bon
en tant mieux pour eux hein
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Nombre de messages : 45766
Age : 34
Chanson(s) préférée(s) de Tokio Hotel : Rette mich / Lass uns laufen / In your shadow
Date d'inscription : 26/04/2007

THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!! Empty
MessageSujet: Re: THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!!   THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!! Icon_minitimeLun 27 Avr - 0:59

c'est sympa ce genre de trucs =)
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MessageSujet: Re: THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!!   THUKST - Help Get Them a Gig!! Icon_minitime

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